We are 100% compliant with the Minnesota E3 Laws. Our medical billing services are completely electronic.

We support over 25 clinics in the Minnesota Market, so we're on top of the new laws - we've got you covered. We have Insurance Experts on staff who stay current with the ever-changing insurance billing laws and regulations. We ensure that you are always in compliance.

The Minnesota E3 Law Mandates:

  • ALL medical billing must be filed electronically. No more paper claims. This includes medical claims, Workers' Compensation, Auto Injury, and Personal Injury.
  • ALL MN Insurers are required to send only Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). No more paper statements (EOB's) sent by US Mail.

Does the Minnesota Law apply to you?

Download the MN Department of Health E3 Law FAQ. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required.